We carry out site deployments for our clients.

LPS Group, specialists in the area of network deployment and communications

Turnkey solutions for BTS deployment (new site, co-locations):

  • Engineering
  • Construction
  • Instalation
  • Maintenance

Technical office
Inventory Technical Office

Due to the extensive experience of the LPS Group in the area of mobile operator infrastructures, we offer fleet inventory services, analysis of available infrastructures, tower and mast load studies.

Teardowns and
space consolidation

We carry out analyzes of the mobile fleet to detect overloads, disassemble equipment, old elements and consolidate technologies, achieving significant space/cost savings for the operator.


With Swess you can manage the Coordination of Business Activities in a simple and very intuitive way.

More than 10 years of experience

LPS Engineering offers you flexibility and a personalized service that allows you to provide technical support, advice and develop highly complex projects.

Shall we talk?

If you are interested in any of our service areas and want more information about any of them, write to us at or leave us your information in the following form and we will contact you.